Movin' On Up

Pony club has nine levels called "ratings" The first five ratings are held within the club D1, D2, D3, C1 and  C2. The C3 is held within the region. The next three ratings are B, H/A and A. These ratings are held nationally and require a great deal of skill learned through the rating system. 

To learn more about pony club ratings go to

The Pony Club Website


 (Members please send me more pictures on the rating to post!)

Here's some pictures from our last rating!

(October 10th 2004)

Visit the Club News to see what happened!



Getting ready to rate!

Here are some helpful things to do...

Cloud Callout: Know the Requirements!

Cloud Callout: Practice and Study!
                                                    More cartoons coming soon...                                           


This Page Was Last Updated: 12/7/04 Tuesday                   Home